tirsdag den 15. oktober 2024

your love in the air

 he was your love at first sight

and you were his

but you couldn't be two

because you couldn't be one

because your bodies are two

of same model

in his country

this is forbidden

it would be

against the system

and impossible


you're calling him at night

in your sleepless dreams

come to me

you're trying to dream him

home to you

high in the air


above the air traffic routes

you're trying to lift him

with all your longing

come to me

come to my country and be home to me

he's Earth seen from space

he's a star seen from Earth

he's the grain in your wheat

he's the rosy in your rose

he's the ocean for your ship

he's the songlark soaring

in your sky

you're trying to lift him through the clouds

even in your deepest sleep

your love is in the air

you're trying to dream him

home to you

high above the air traffic routes

one night soon he'll wake up

sleepless with longing

he'll pack a bag

he'll catch a train

or come running

or sailing or flying

hearing you calling

and he'll be landing

and be safe in your arms

Vera Kelgart  (with citrine cathedral crystal)  2024

lørdag den 13. april 2024


you saw it on the net

you read the story

a kangaroo mum killed

by a reckless speeding car

on the other side of Earth

but in her pouch were two

tiny living joeys

humans helped and rescued them

from her cooling body

and brought them to the sanctuary

where gentle workers fed them

milk from doll-sized bottles

so small

just little flickers of life

so vulnerable

as little flickers of light

in the darkest night


you’re a follower now

watching the little ones thrive

sure they will survive

soon they’ll be drinking

their milk from larger bottles

they are so alive

on tour

with joeys sitting in a row

each baby cuddled 

in a cotton pouch dotted

striped or floral

now there’s joy

they’re discovering the world

with their dark awesome eyes

their limbs still sticklike

but their big eyes starlike

longlashed portals

to universal depths


but you are just a schoolkid

on the other side of Earth

with a room in your heart

for roo babies

you so wish you could be working there

but you’ll be sending all the love and care

from your heart

through your mind’s eye instead

Vera Kelgart  (with smoky elestial crystal) 2024

onsdag den 5. april 2023

their starry eyes

while they were growing

in your womb you fed them

love and stamina and wonders

lullabies from your soul

singing look

look out at the world

it’ll be yours to hold and behold

you swathed them in waves of lilac

the gentle baby version

of the cosmic new age ray

whispering from your heart


look out at the world

there’s moon and stars and sun

and sweet animals for friends

and look at the alphabet

it’s for messages and books

about the wonders of the world

words are bridges crossing oceans

and look

look at the kids

your generation

playmates and future lovers

and look

look at you

you too are wonders of the world

you talked to them incessantly

with words and mind and heart

trying to convey

a message of the world

as a precious gift for them

to have and to give

they entered this realm

wrapped in their soul’s expectations

a vision of life like aurora

seen from space

they were born with starry eyes

now they’re teens becoming adults

and they’ve still got starry eyes

you’ve been fearing the disappearance

of this gentle passion of theirs

but it keeps on shining

though they take some hits from life

they are thriving

but sometimes at night

you wake to support their light

in the lilac waves of your inner sari

so you wrap them up again

in the cosmic baby ray

to keep their appetite for life


their starry eyes

Vera Kelgart  (with Herkimer diamond ‘Heart’) 2023

mandag den 28. november 2022

gospel of small steps

horisontal in the shade

barely existing

longing to be vertical and busy

on sunny planet Earth

you can’t lift an arm to seize

you can’t lift a leg to flee


dreaming is possible

so you close your physical eyes

hoping to see with your second sight


your mystical twin

a strength coach from Heaven

teaching a gospel

of small steps in the sun

healing the broken people

teaching the gentlest exercises

to the crushed

just one small movement of one finger

then another small movement building on the first

your strength coach is flourishing

alive in spirit and body

but like a statue serene

his biceps sculpted

his man bun blond and sweaty

in black t-shirt and red boxers black-dotted

he’s like a friendly masculine

ladybird in flight

in the sun

yesterday you couldn’t move a foot

today you can move one foot a little

tomorrow you can move both feet a little


in a few weeks you’ll try walking

Vera Kelgart  (with Herkimer diamond ‘Heart’)  2022

tirsdag den 18. oktober 2022

About the mystical twin

Readers sometimes ask how to understand 'the mystical twin' of the poems.

The mystical twin is complementary to the 'you' of the poems. Someone who is needed to fulfill the 'you', bringing drive or diversity.

This could mean an unknown friend, a teacher, a spiritual guide, a dream lover, a future workmate.

Also, the mystical twin represents the fascination and mystique of the world outside 'you'. Nobody is self-sufficient!
