lørdag den 20. februar 2010


snow is falling
but you are not
you're wading knee-deep through it
with loved ones by your side

you laugh and meet it
you'll still be wearing
your strong turquoise time

your spring was just young
your summer heated
your autumn stormy wet

you celebrate it
you'll still be wearing
your strong turquoise time

snow is falling
you're wading knee-deep through it
in your mind's eye

nothing can beat it
you'll still be wearing
your strong turquoise time

you'll still be wearing
your strong turquoise time

Vera Kelgart (with multi-terminated crystal) 2010

onsdag den 10. februar 2010


Born in 1950, I was always a writer, though not a published one. In 1980, I decided to concentrate on writing poetry, but soon found myself on a veritable vision quest, searching for the true meaning of artistic expression. Years later, my interest in creative visualization and guided imagery sparked some useful ideas. By 1995, my new poetry was born. I named it Vitalpoesi ('life-enhancing poetry').
Around the same time, I discovered the magic of the mineral kingdom, greatly inspired by the books of crystal healer Katrina Raphaell. At first, all kinds of crystals and stones were catalysts for my poems. Later on, I chose clear, smoky and citrine quartz crystals as facilitating tools. They still are, as well as a beautiful and fascinating part of my daily life.
Today, my poems are images of 'energy clothes': human beings expressing their identities through colours of life and hope. This poetic form owes a lot to my interest in clothes and personal style.
Other sources of inspiration: Nature and the rhythm of the seasons. Working in a public library, meeting children from immigrant and refugee families; their resilience. Ideas of the millennium and the return of the Divine Feminine, as found in new theosophical spirituality.
I started publishing my poems on the Internet in 2001; however, only since December 2008 on Blogger and with an archive.
My voyage into English is a very recent project, as of January 2010.

small gull

you come from chaos
with a memory of your grandma
holding a heart of gold
giving it to you

now it is sewn into
your brown down jacket
your dull protective colouring
against the cold

now you are here
you are growing
you're not exactly without fear
but inside brown
you are golden

the ice on the water
has cracked into a jigsaw
like puzzled thinking

a gull standing still
on a piece of ice
without sinking

now you are here
you are going
you don't know exactly where
but inside the down
your heart is soaring

can fly
can swim
can stand

Vera Kelgart (with tabular crystal) 2010
