onsdag den 13. juli 2011

magical clutch

you come from thrifty mountains
your mother didn't bring a holdall
and there wasn't much to put in it

but she did have a pale blue dream veil
sometimes you miss it
and here is a kind of diamond laughter
she can't seem to catch

designing bags
is what you'd like to do
here are lots
but most of them filled with things
you don't really need

you're gonna make a small purse
for always keeping near you
a magical clutch
you can even draw it
you see it so clearly

grab it on the run
grab it on the run
your magical clutch
with just room enough
for everything you need

a pale blue dream veil folded
to a thin square there if you need it
with a handful of trilling laughter
diamonds to match
and your own poppy red special heart
love forever there if you need it

grab it on the run
grab it on the run
dream it
seam it
touch it
clutch it
everything you need

Vera Kelgart  (with citrine channeling crystal)  2011
