søndag den 29. september 2013

sarong of self

closing your eyes
you come close to yourself
just before sleep

folding your mind round your body

yourself a sarong
ocean silk blue green
with pink blossom health

while your body is wrapped up
you're thinking
naming the oceans

Indian Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean

close to closing your eyes
you keep naming the oceans

are they one ocean only
or separate sea selves

is there one self in the world only
or are we all one

yourself a sarong
ocean silk blue green
with pink blossom health

Vera Kelgart  (with etched Isis crystal)  2013

torsdag den 1. august 2013

talking to the nations

they call it your nightdress
your sunshiny tunic
but you can easily face the day
with the sun in your midriff

the lemon grove of your mind
forgotten since childhood
now you remember
now you inhale the scent
the exuberance

you're humanity's daughter
in your sunshiny tunic
wild hair and green foliage
bare legs brown from the sensitive wind
in paradise
you're talking no nonsense

the extravagance
of beaming the sun from your midriff
the sheer yellow scent
of your mind's lemon grove
the citric feel
of remembrance

talking to the nations
dreaming and working

Vera Kelgart  (with citrine channeling crystal)  2013

mandag den 15. juli 2013


someone special
to somebody
that's part of who you are

somebody is thinking and feeling
an aqua blue shirt on your body

somebody is sending you healing
the colour of your blue eyes

there's a light
in your eyes
the light of the young ones
though you're not so young
any more

somebody is thinking and feeling
a healing blue shirt on your body
faded denim
sea in summer
softest comfort
trusting heart

there's a light
in your eyes
the light of the young ones
though you're not so young
any more

you're someone special
to somebody
besides the rest of the treasure
you are

Vera Kelgart  (with double terminated 'grey healer')  2013

søndag den 16. juni 2013

summer white

your white lace mini shift
with small embroidered conchs
whispering white on white

summer white
people say it won't keep
but you keep it and keep it
and yourself inside

people say it won't wash
but you wash it and wash it
on delicate cycle
a little rough
against everyday life
you never use softener

your white lace mini shift
with small embroidered conchs
whispering white on white

you mend it and mend it and mend it

Vera Kelgart  (with time link crystal)  2013

onsdag den 22. maj 2013

standing power

your blue woven jacket
put it on
put your arms easily through
the loose day blue weave

put it on
for your willpower child within
your still standing power

put it on
put your arms easily through
to your dream win win
you'll never lose your day
blue standing

your blue weave jacket
see birds on the waves
of loose horizontal threads
read the still musical notation
you'll never lose your will
power child within

put it on
your dreams will never loosen
your sea through armour
easily win win
your day blue standing power

Vera Kelgart  (with double terminated 'grey healer')  2013

onsdag den 15. maj 2013

wonders of the world

when you were a little one
on a street corner
you saw it on a girl
a feisty biker jacket
made from tiger lilies
and the wonders of the world

you always wanted to be
one of them
you always wanted to be
two with one of them
flying laughing round the corner
in a jacket with a sheen

so clear
so right
so free
so tight

now you've got your very own
tiger lily biker jacket
your heart is on your sleeve
your soul is zipped into your pocket

flying laughing round the corner
slow down
slow down
slow down
slow down
for the wonders to be seen

so clear
so right
so free
so tight

Vera Kelgart  (with time link crystal)  2013

fredag den 19. april 2013


through the prison wall of grey
you're reaching out for
your red pareo

you need it for living your life
you need it like calcium

throughout the world
you're reaching for
your healing image
yourself in your red pareo
walking in sprays of rain
carrying mangos

your history needs
a new story
the story of you
walking with abundance

through the prison wall of grey
you're reaching out for
your red pareo

you need to be living your life
you need it like calcium

Vera Kelgart  (with Isis crystal 'Avalon')  2013

onsdag den 3. april 2013


you're happy when you're with trees
you understand trees better
you can be inside a tree
it's like greenness underwater

you understand life best
when you're with trees
you're like them
rising from roots
stretching to the sky
always craving the light

you feel drawn to a green dress
you've got an olive sweater
but you tell yourself to vary
express yourself freely

you'll be stronger
if you also look to the red of the mountains
you'll be stronger
if you also look to the blue of the sea
you'll be greener

Vera Kelgart  (with Isis crystal 'Avalon')  2013

søndag den 17. februar 2013


what do you want to be
your answer used to be
don't know

the world being full
of people doing something
doing the same thing
so why should you
why would you
even try

but in school today
someone taught you
how to make a vase
a small container
sculpted with your hands
then glazed

now you know who you want to be
someone containing the world
making bowls cups chalices
vases flagons grails

making life containers
joy containers
world containers
that's what you want to do

but surely the world is already full
of people making lots of things
the same things

but then again
the world needs containers
all the time
for all kinds of things
and that's what you want to do

your work dress is white ripped cotton
but your working hands are wrapped
in a lavender blue scarf
in the evening
you zip it around you
it's your sleeping bag
for dreaming world shapes

Vera Kelgart  (with Isis crystal 'Sophia')  2013

søndag den 20. januar 2013

The vital creativity

Creativity isn't just for creating something. People are surviving thanks to their creativity: will to live plus heart and imagination.
My new poems are a tribute to this talent, so essential to art and life. My intention was a kind of storytelling about the creative process. Working on this, my viewpoint somewhat changed though.
I realized that I'm more interested in identities than in processes. Hence the poems celebrating creative identity - with a matching wardrobe!

Den vitale kreativitet

Kreativitet er ikke kun evnen til at skabe "noget kreativt". Mennesker overlever katastrofer takket være deres kreativitet - en blanding af livsvilje, hjerte og fantasi.
Mine nye digte er en hyldest til dette talent, der er af så afgørende betydning i kunsten og i livet. Min intention var en slags storytelling om den kreative proces. Men synsvinklen ændrede sig lidt undervejs.
Det gik op for mig, at jeg er mere interesseret i identiteter end i processer. Altså digter jeg nu om kreativ identitet - selvfølgelig med en matchende garderobe!
