your white lace mini shift
with small embroidered conchs
whispering white on white
summer white
people say it won't keep
but you keep it and keep it
and yourself inside
people say it won't wash
but you wash it and wash it
on delicate cycle
a little rough
against everyday life
you never use softener
your white lace mini shift
with small embroidered conchs
whispering white on white
you mend it and mend it and mend it
Vera Kelgart (with time link crystal) 2013
Welcome to my poetry site. I write about identity, colours, visualization, energy clothes, fantasy clothes, real clothes ... My poetry is made with inspiration from quartz crystals. My Artist's Tool Poems are stories about creativity and creative recovery. They tell about individuals meeting their inner creative identity, or mystical twin. I hope you'll get inspired ... (Photo: Dan-Tuyet Tham, 2008)