lørdag den 19. september 2015

Clothes on the outside and the inside

Since the autumn of 2014 I've been working on a new type of poems, 'clothes imagery'. There are, of course, lots of clothes in my earlier poems. But the starting point of a 'clothes imagery' poem is clothes. Often physical, my own or other people's clothes, or something seen in a shop, a book or on the web.
The poem 'Brave heart', for instance, was inspired by a photo of a knit top, created by Danish knit artist Iben Høj.
Swedish designer Gudrun Sjöden is a great inspiration with her colourful global style mix. I'm wearing the clothes and writing about them!

But my poetry clothes will just as well be fantasy clothes, or hybrids of fantasy and reality. In any case, the clothes will express an identity or form of energy.
The new poems may not differ much from the earlier ones. But hopefully my visualizing skills will improve ...

torsdag den 17. september 2015

Ydre og indre tøj

Siden efteråret 2014 har jeg arbejdet med en ny type digte jeg kalder "clothes imagery". Der er selvfølgelig masser af tøj i mine tidligere digte, men de nye tager direkte udgangspunkt i tøj. Det kan være fysisk tøj, mit eget eller andres. Tøj set i en butik, i en bog eller på nettet.
Fx er digtet "Brave heart" inspireret af et foto af en top, designet af strikkunstneren Iben Høj.
Og den svenske designer Gudrun Sjöden har inspireret flere digte med sit farverige, globale stilmix.

Men poesitøjet kan også være fantasitøj, eller hybrider mellem fantasi og virkelighed. Uanset hvad, udtrykker tøjet en identitet eller særlig energi.
De nye digte virker måske ikke umiddelbart anderledes end de tidligere. Men med tiden håber jeg at kunne visualisere dybere.

brave heart

you're a knight in dreams
reaching for the sky
blue loose knit
butterfly touching down

chain mail
for your brave heart

the real substance
of this butterfly wings top
is the air between the threads
like the pause between your thoughts

your brave heart

you're a knight unique
wearing your dreams on the outside

Vera Kelgart  (with etched crystal)  2015
