søndag den 22. maj 2016

in the cloud

aligning yourself with the direct road to the sky

your spine a stem pointing upwards

you're tracing a big oval heart around yourself

breathing the heart

closing your eyes


you in your cloud sheath

that's your name for it

soft oyster white strapless wrap

knee-length maybe silk-like but softer

like breath sprinkled with twinkles

star-like sequins

usually you'll see stars in a clear sky

but these are stars in the cloud

and now there are voices

that'll be the children

you feel their hands grabbing your hands

all of your hands like you're a goddess

with many hands

they're holding on to you

holding on to the soft starry cloud

your slender frame is wrapped in

a party-like sheath but comfortable

puffy and soothing like soft dream beds

in bedtime stories for kids

you're transmitting this white fantasy shell

softness to the children of the world

they're coming to be near you

from all global corners

calling your name in their dreams

reaching for one of your many hands

you're the mother of hope and encouragement

the big sister of future laughter

your hands are their university

your cloud sheath the pillow they lean on

up in the air for a breather

during your working day you'll stop and pause

glimpsing the verdant globe moving

in a stream of light

Vera Kelgart  (with channeling Lemuria crystal)  2016

søndag den 8. maj 2016

blue island watching

deep in your heart there's a door

you go through it

breathing the brisk breeze freely

focusing the lens of your inner eye


you in that pineapple yellow tankini

and your big kanga blowing like a sail

sky blue and white around your waist

on your blue island watching

over the glass blue waves

over the seagulls hang-gliding

in the turquoise horizon

like you're watching over

mother's milk of peace

undiluted strong child of the sun

welcoming all people seeking

the nourishing pineapple yellow joy

the blue and white universal pattern

of good thinking

relaxing at home in life

welcoming seekers of harmony

at home in your yellow tankini of youth

running across the sands with wide spread wings

of blue and white fine porcelain days

nourishing pineapple childhood years

of sight sound taste smell touch

protecting the sun in the island's midriff

embracing horizons but at home forever

a safe place in the world's memory

wrapped in your kanga the blue and white

of a clear island day


trying to bring the island to everyday life

you're translating it into

a warm-hearted genius

Vera Kelgart  (with channeling Lemuria crystal)  2016
