søndag den 19. juni 2016


slowing down

you reset yourself

opening your mind's eye

calmly breathing

encircling your body heartwise


you in a blue linen suit

slightly creased in the sumptuous way

of linen twill

jacket with lapels elegantly notched

big buttons mother-of-pearl

pants with natural linen sheen

woven rainbow around your waist

like a martial art belt

but words are your martial art

you're building a body of language

absorbing words like nutrients

into your muscles

strong standing tall alert

you're taking a stance yet relaxing

into that stance

of a world builder with words

connecting deep down

through ancient gold tiles

to your mothers and fathers

never chained to them but linking to them

your tribe

standing tall on earth feet

with passionate wordwise strength

embodying your body of language

with real power dressing

flax flower blue against cultural

gold tiles sky blue bricks

this is your stance

you're a live thesaurus

lifebuilding words with strong hands

spurting freshwater words from the fountain

of your archives

words are ways

you're always pointing in life's direction

future-proofing synonyms

empowering your people


after these training sessions

you'll want small talk

toned-down togetherness

Vera Kelgart  (with smoky elestial crystal)  2016
