Welcome to my poetry site. I write about identity, colours, visualization, energy clothes, fantasy clothes, real clothes ... My poetry is made with inspiration from quartz crystals. My Artist's Tool Poems are stories about creativity and creative recovery. They tell about individuals meeting their inner creative identity, or mystical twin. I hope you'll get inspired ... (Photo: Dan-Tuyet Tham, 2008)
søndag den 10. juli 2016
An explorers notebook
The poems are formed as visualization meditations (or 'focused reverie', to use a term from Belleruth Naparstek). The protagonists will meet and embrace their own creativity in a dreamlike state, put on, as it were, the work clothes of their inspirational universe. Maybe learning to enhance it or balance it in relation to everyday reality.
Personally, I've been meditating like this for some time, but only recently thought of it as a poetic template.
En opdagelsesrejsendes notesbog
Digtene er formet som visualiserings-meditationer (eller 'focused reverie", for at bruge et udtryk fra Belleruth Naparstek). Hovedpersonerne møder og integrerer deres egen kreativitet, de ifører sig så at sige deres kreative arbejdstøj. Måske lærer de at styrke eller afbalancere deres inspirationsunivers i forhold til dagligdagens realiteter.
Jeg har selv mediteret på denne måde i et stykke tid. Men først nu er det faldet mig ind at bruge formen som en poetisk skabelon.
Efterhånden som mine ideer udvikler sig, vil jeg skrive mere om Artist's Tool Poems, men det vil blive på engelsk.
tirsdag den 5. juli 2016
coming from nature
at dusk before sleep's blackout
you're feeling your own pulse
settling your thoughts
seeking the heart shape in your mind
letting go of tensions
you in the simplest jersey really
an apple green tank top
a long blue bell skirt
colours to be recognized universally
as coming from nature
meant to resuscitate and soothe
you can go everywhere
in your simple top and skirt
you're just people
dressed in the safe and cherished colours
of green apples and blue sky
repairing despair
awakening deep hope asleep
on the ocean floor
streaming oxytocinic pictures
as spiritual diamonds
to help the worriers of the world
pointing to baby elephants
saying eggs in the blackbird's nest
will be singing tomorrow
life is still alive
never give up
tomorrow may be better
never give up
new chance
get well
hold on
have faith
be cool
easier tomorrow
wait and see
without noticing you're slipping into sleep
in the morning you feel nourished
by the colour-coded pieces of your mind
the mumblings from your open dream hands
Vera Kelgart (with chlorite coated crystal) 2016