søndag den 26. marts 2017

going verdant

in an absent-minded moment

in your swivel chair

with your back straight

but with unfocused eyes

you're slipping through a window

shaped like a heart

gliding into the air

on your breath


you going verdant

seemingly from within

wrapped in a long voile veil

ultramarine green

growing a foliage and fruit print

in your wrap-around priestess dress

you're part of the fruiting force

of the universe bringing forth cocoa

papaya coconut pomegranate

the dream force running through your fingers

helping mango along

your green wrap is a fount ripening

food for thought

slightly creased voile wrapped unwrapped

sappy leaves sliding to the hem

bursting suns of pineapple

coffee beans rippling in your hand

from the cradle of green ongoing

unwinding stress from your bloodstream

dressing your dreams

ultramarine green patterned

with silvery leaves

gold red green thought fruit peels

back in your office

you look out of the window

in the yard there's a tree suddenly

tiny with some yellow berries

giving you a boost of confidence

Vera Kelgart  (with Isis Arkimer crystal)  2017

onsdag den 1. marts 2017


sometimes before sleep

when your body is already

sinking down down through padded darkness

with your eyes closed already

you'll find yourself

in a heart-shaped room opening out

to the forest


you in a salwar kameez style but nordic

rugged jersey tracksuit but shiny

beaming wild strawberry radiant red

and new rosy sneakers on your feet

light-footed as a hind in the forest

your suit sprinkling sparks as you run

juicy red dots on the dark forest floor

wild strawberry planetary pilot lights

like nursery night-lights reassuring

this planet is a real home

in the morning you'll feel like

you've been talking to people all night

convincing them buzzing with distant

fragments of discussions

later you'll see music

hear colours

Vera Kelgart  (with Isis crystal 'Avalon')  2017
