late at night
relaxing completely
dropping your shoulders at last
turning inwards
you assemble your pieces
along your median line
feeling the shape of a heart
around you
emptying your mind's daytime cache
into the grey depths of night
your mystical twin
speaking to you outside language
her intense eyes locked in yours
dressed in a floaty chiffon kaftan
the palest vanilla yellow
of night fading fast
embellished with blue silk spirals
like whirlpools of water churning
down the front round the neckline
on the wide sleeves and the hem
just above her gold strap sandals
steeped in night
spinning blue silk spirals
she's standing looking into
earth's hidden water
the faraway reservoirs
like she's listening
to water underground
the world's invisible wells
just caring
the reservoirs renewing themselves
forever fresh and clean
so she's walking her caring route
in her floaty ice cream
glorious daybreak kaftan
listening to deep wells without a sound
caring for hidden sources
of drinking water
with her ear to the ground
her ear adorned with a crystal
drop pearl like clearest water
being still
just holding the idea in her mind
telepathing it to yours
she's water spirit
human spirit
multiplying wells
of drinking water
protected in earth's dark womb
just holding the idea in her mind
and in yours
walking the caring route
her sensibility
feeling water
like a human dowsing rod
her pale vanilla kaftan
moving with her breath
her eyes holding yours
just holding the idea in her mind
and in yours
the power of caring
cleansing the deep cools
ancient and fresh like morning
her sensibility
dressed in daylight
is yours
Vera Kelgart (with cradle crystal) 2017