tirsdag den 12. februar 2019


not usually able to relax

flat on your bed with your palms up

you're ready to let go

or maybe take flight

whole body still like a dreaming statue

mind emptying out

refilling with green leaves

floating through a sketched portal

of dreams


your mystical twin

in hugging dark jeans

with a bark-like texture

and a green shirt rustling

like leaves when he moves

standing inside a green tree

bearing little globes perfect

small gold spheres

the tree with your twin standing

on a square meter soil inside

a circle in the middle of the zapping

rush-hour traffic

on an island somehow connected

to like-minded people of all races

sexes ages worldwide likewise

standing on traffic islets

in trees bearing globes of gold

they're all shining

without explanations you're intuiting

that what's being done here

is essentializing

these working mystics extracting

the essence from life's traffic

helping the world tree fruiting

your mystical twin

he's lightly touching your hand

a finger reaching a finger


you into essentializing

you sit up with a start


searching your mind and your wardrobe

do you even own those essentials

trying to recall the feel

of essentializing

you're thinking denim and silk

from the past you retrieve

a pair of working day jeans

and from the future you conjure

a peace silk shirt rustling green

never worn only seen in your dream

hoping to harvest a small globe of gold

how to teach algebra

to recalcitrant students

Vera Kelgart  (with self-healed crystal 'Ichthys')  2019
