torsdag den 29. marts 2012

human link

one out of many
you are holding earth
in your heart's sight

holding the glittering green globe
a ball in the air
of your will united

breathing the moist misty white
keeping the blue waters running

earth dreamer
linked in with other earth dreamers
keeping faith
holding the globe
giving breath
they are your tribe

you're an earth dreamer
seeking detecting connecting
with other earth dreamers
holding the glittering green
breathing the moist misty white
keeping the blue waters running

keeping the ball in the air
of your love united

holding hands
linking the globe
keeping faith
they are your tribe

Vera Kelgart  (with double terminated crystal 'Steps')  2012

tirsdag den 20. marts 2012

Crystal time

Dan-Tuyet Tham has uploaded some beautiful crystal portraits, so maybe it's time for a few words about my crystals. I don't have that many. I'm always looking for something special, though it's hard to define. Sometimes I'll recognize it immediately when I see the crystal. Or I'll see the possibility of a future working relationship. Some crystals, though marvellous, are just not for me. Sometimes I'll be working with a crystal for a period only, then pass it on.
How exactly is a poem born? It varies. Walking in nature or in the city, carrying a crystal, I'll be more intensely aware of my feelings and surroundings, images and words 'crystallizing' into a poem. Or I'll wake up in the morning with a new idea, seeking out a crystal as a facilitator of the poem.
Crystals can be in need of a breather. Constant attention from humans can be draining. Just as parents with toddlers need grown-up time, crystals need crystal time!

mandag den 19. marts 2012


Dan-Tuyet Tham har uploaded nogle smukke krystalportrætter. Tiden er måske inde til at sige et par ord om mine krystaller. Jeg har ikke så mange, for jeg søger noget helt særligt hos en krystal. Det er svært at forklare, men nogle krystaller føles det som om jeg har kendt altid, andre gemmer jeg til senere brug - sommetider flere år senere. Andre igen forbigår jeg, de kan være nok så fantastiske, men jeg ved, at de ikke er til mig.
Selvom jeg har arbejdet med en krystal i en periode, kan det vise sig at være et forbigående møde. Så giver jeg den videre til en ven.
Hvordan bliver et digt til? Det varierer, men jeg går ofte rundt med en krystal i naturen eller i byen. Min oplevelse af omverdenen intensiveres og udløser billeder, følelser og ord, der "krystalliserer" til et digt. I andre tilfælde vågner jeg måske en morgen og har en ide, og opsøger så en bestemt krystal, jeg føler kan hjælpe digtet på vej.
En krystal kan også have brug for en pause, hvor et menneske ikke konstant retter sine intentioner mod den. Ganske som småbørnsforældre har brug for voksentid, har krystaller brug for krystaltid!

torsdag den 1. marts 2012


you're walking home
you're opening the door
to your welcoming room

making yourself a hot drink
then sinking down
into a soft chair

you see your red heart
on a green stem
growing in the soil of your body

you're stepping inside
with the world outside your window
waiting for your light

you feel your red heart
on a green stem
growing in the soil of your body

Vera Kelgart  (with 'lightsaver'crystal)  2012
