søndag den 21. december 2014

protecting your colours

walking on a winter's night
looking for the lights on the other side
in the dark you can see yourself
thin and young
a foreign elf

walking in your padded coat
bought in the supermarket
the coat is so shiny black
the quilt panels seem highlighted

black always in black
you hear people whisper
when will she go back
why can't she wear colours

but you need to feel safe

you're so vulnerable
floating like a fetus
in your warm and puffy coat
tightening the belt
your waist looks breakable

there's a frozen image
in your field of vision
to let go of it
you need to feel safe

walking on a winter's night
looking for the lights on the other side
black always in black

but this is what your black coat does for you
it's protecting your colours

Vera Kelgart  (with Lemuria crystal)  2014

lørdag den 29. november 2014


your pale lavender nightdress
with a star print down front
the softest cotton jersey cooling
your arms legs the drape embracing
your body sighing fast asleep
before even knowing it

when the light is out
the star print will be one single twinkling
star above your heart
you'll be navigating by a real star
in the real sky

but first you'll bring a cup of water
to your bedside
because you'll be gone for hours
dreaming in colourful serials
laughing waking wanting a drink of water

or you'll be away empty mindful mindless
turning on your side reaching for the cup
without even knowing it
then sinking back into the lavender weightless

replenishing your strength
quietly breathing the twinkling
star into your chest
feeling warm and cool and comfortable
in the pale soft lavender sky

Vera Kelgart  (with Isis crystal 'Lotus')  2014

søndag den 9. november 2014


you only shrugged into this jacket
knit in ice-blue snow-white sacred
Arctic geometry attracted
by its diamantine quality

but the perfect fit made your world shift
you find yourself a spontaneous shamanic
seabird's counsellor
soothing stormy feathers

blowing cool air on an iceberg
warming eggs in the heart-shaped cavity
of your clairvoyant hands

stroking the eider's tousled feathers
caring for the kittiwake
restoring reassuring steering

heart to heart with the guillemot
playfully ruffling the puffin's feathers
resuscitating reuniting clearing

it's a shaman's jacket
a motherly shaman's jacket
you never knew you were
a motherly shaman till now

Vera Kelgart  (with Lemuria crystal)  2014

lørdag den 11. oktober 2014


since you were young you've always had
a milky white Aran sweater

always inhaling the natural fragrance
of wool
your face pressed against your sweater sleeve
the taste of sea milk

the knit cables braided you together
with your early close-knit circle
of loving people

and now years later you're still
relying on the spirit of the sweater
anchoring you
in your new love circle
reaching out to the world

relying on you relying
on love and sea milk
the foam of life

you're an anchor relying
on your loved ones relying
on you relying
on this chunky fragrant pattern
of love

they'll never lose you
and you'll never lose your way
you're an anchor relying
on these special braided cables
of belonging

Vera Kelgart  (with smoky elestial crystal)  2014

torsdag den 2. oktober 2014

muscle memory

in lucid dreaming
you come walking
across the quiet floor of waves
in your floor long
turquoise sea gown

dolphins' thought patterns
translated into fat silk
rippling wavelike off one shoulder

you remember with your bare arms
dreaming dolphins deeper
in your muscle memory
remember freedom
in your lightly curled fists

looks like solitude but isn't
it's your turquoise generosity

Vera Kelgart  (with record keeper Isis crystal)  2014

lørdag den 19. juli 2014


the blackbird is drawing you out
of yourself
then delivering you back
to yourself as a gift

the soft song tears the grey
drawing you out
far away to the swirling
solicitous blue

delivering you safely
back to yourself
your chili red appetite
your passion for work

there's a small dreamy indigo
flower by the wayside

there's a golden hoop you've discovered
in your aura
nourishing your body

Vera Kelgart  (with smoky Isis crystal 'Zoë')  2014

torsdag den 5. juni 2014

Four women who inspired me

Poets are not only inspired by poets or even writers of fiction. Some of my greatest sources of inspiration were non-fiction writers, writing of their work in fields seemingly unrelated to poetry.

Back in 1995, psychotherapist Belleruth Naparstek sparked my interest in visualization with her book 'Staying well with guided imagery'. In my view, it was one of the first serious (not just new age jubilant) books on the topic.
And by 1996, I had spotted one of the most fascinating authors of crystal books: crystal healer Katrina Raphaell. A founder of 'The Crystal Academy', her writing in 'The crystal trilogy' is poetic in its own right.

Reading the book 'Energy medicine for women' (2008), I was deeply impressed by energy medicine woman extraordinaire Donna Eden. She has an uncompromising belief in people as self-healers and self-nurturers.

Swedish designer Annika Thomas is one of the pioneers of the holistic fashion concept. Her book from 1989 on personal styling includes psychological and spiritual factors in the choice of cut and colour. Her blog 'Wholethreads' explored femininity in fashion and mythology. As a guest blogger on 'Docakilah' in 2012, she wrote the personal message 'The world needs you to follow your inspiration'.

Fire kvinder, der har inspireret mig

Digtere bliver ikke kun inspireret af digtere eller skønlitterære forfattere. Nogle af mine vigtigste inspirationskilder har været faglitterære forfattere, der skriver om deres arbejde inden for helt andre områder.
Psykoterapeut Belleruth Naparstek var i 1995 med sin bog "Staying well with guided imagery" igangsættende for min interesse for visualisering. Hendes bog var den første seriøse (og ikke kun new age begejstrede) bog jeg læste om emnet.
Og i 1996 havde jeg fundet frem til en af de mest spændende forfattere af krystalbøger: krystalhealer Katrina Raphaell. Hun er grundlægger af "The Crystal Academy", og hendes sprog og beskrivelser i "The crystal trilogy" er i sig selv en slags poesi.
Den formidable energimedicin-kvinde Donna Eden gjorde med bogen "Energy medicine for women" (2008) et dybt indtryk på mig. Hun har en kompromisløs tro på, at mennesker kan tage vare på deres egen sundhed.
Den svenske designer Annika Thomas er en af pionererne inden for begrebet holistisk mode. Hendes bog fra 1989 (på dansk 1990: "Tøj og personlighed") inddrager psykologiske og spirituelle faktorer i valget af tøjsnit og farver. Hendes blog "Wholethreads" udforskede modens og mytologiens kvindebilleder.Som gæste-blogger på "Docakilah" i 2012 skrev hun det personlige budskab "The world needs you to follow your inspiration".

onsdag den 28. maj 2014

guardian angel

a grey curtain of mist
has fallen on the highway
but anyway
you're raising a red heart
standing it on its pointed foot

it's for the children
so they'll know they're protected
your eager heart following
time travelling
to their teens

then you go to your own place of mind
you say hello to your young self
relaxing in a sky wrap-around
periwinkle blue
the sea is your jeans

Vera Kelgart  (with smoky Isis crystal 'Zoë')  2014

onsdag den 12. februar 2014

sleeping beauty

there's not much light
is this you
you've lost track
of your inner side

at least it's white
you're sinking
into the red berries

a ring of gold
is buried in the snow
you're still here
but still

a living shell
covering a treasure

so happy in your red sweater
dreaming passion
dreaming laughter

your sleeping self

Vera Kelgart  (with grounding crystal)  2014

søndag den 26. januar 2014

sun face

you feel so blue
so cold and sad among your classmates
though you're dressed like a summer girl
you love sun colours

behind your eyes
are faraway blue mountains
you don't know why
but let yourself fall
into a reverie

in the blue mountains
you're a flowery being
a trusting marigold
reaching out to cherish
like the many-armed ancient Egyptian
sun with small golden hands

gold bangles tinkling
yellow petal skirt billowing
you raise your sun face
to the smiling centre of life

coming back you realize
to reclaim your radiance
you should honour your inner habitat
by wearing blue jeans or a blue
hair bandeau in remembrance

Vera Kelgart  (with smoky Isis crystal 'Zoë')  2014

lørdag den 4. januar 2014

telepathic green blue jeans

sprinting through
the world's thought jungle
you're exchanging views
with a blackbird singing
a little black wing safe
inside your open mind

it's your world connection
your imagination
dancing long-legged
on the water of collective

you can see
the bird's eye view
sprinting across the water
on your sea legs
you can hear the grass grow

sings the blackbird
why do humans need so much
world space
when you've got
heart room

Vera Kelgart  (with channeling crystal)  2013
