torsdag den 5. juni 2014

Four women who inspired me

Poets are not only inspired by poets or even writers of fiction. Some of my greatest sources of inspiration were non-fiction writers, writing of their work in fields seemingly unrelated to poetry.

Back in 1995, psychotherapist Belleruth Naparstek sparked my interest in visualization with her book 'Staying well with guided imagery'. In my view, it was one of the first serious (not just new age jubilant) books on the topic.
And by 1996, I had spotted one of the most fascinating authors of crystal books: crystal healer Katrina Raphaell. A founder of 'The Crystal Academy', her writing in 'The crystal trilogy' is poetic in its own right.

Reading the book 'Energy medicine for women' (2008), I was deeply impressed by energy medicine woman extraordinaire Donna Eden. She has an uncompromising belief in people as self-healers and self-nurturers.

Swedish designer Annika Thomas is one of the pioneers of the holistic fashion concept. Her book from 1989 on personal styling includes psychological and spiritual factors in the choice of cut and colour. Her blog 'Wholethreads' explored femininity in fashion and mythology. As a guest blogger on 'Docakilah' in 2012, she wrote the personal message 'The world needs you to follow your inspiration'.

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