falling down on your futon
longing to retrieve yourself
seeking your median line
making it the center of peace and quiet
in the big heart you're tracing
with the pencil of your inner eye
connecting with all parts of your body
feeling at home in your own breathing
you in a grey mystery gown
with a train of thought by a misty water
a line of swans gliding along
one silver belt swan
twisted around your waist
holding the billowing grey together
you understand grey
wearing grey denim skirts
and grey cable knits
nondescript but classic
but this is different
crepe de chine like a non-stop rolling steam
or smoke in a mirror
as a child you were misty
never could choose a distinct colour
always favouring intangible grey
a uniting frequency
all and nothing
the rainbow's origin
you were different
but here in this place you click into place
trailing your mist for miles
in your grey swan shift
bare-shouldered elegant mystery
moving between worlds
you're helping people crippled by implants
of trauma or pain
little clawlike flashback videos
you're cleansing their minds with intangible grey
you're flying
steered by the swan belt's free wing
being timeless
then you sit up
feeling good but a bit dazed
you're in your denim skirt and cable knit
Vera Kelgart (with window crystal 'Pearl') 2016
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