onsdag den 19. september 2018


at a loss

you lie down straight

needing a word with the universe

palms up

eyes closed

breath quiet

you're resting in a big invisible

heart-shaped cradle

sketched with a light brush


your mystical twin

by the look of her dressed

in a martial arts suit

onyx black

blade-sharp trousers

open kimono jacket revealing

the softness of her cleavage

on her feet trainer-style ballerinas

you see her through the looking glass

of your own concentration

and hers

the onyx black suit quiver

pouring rain as will power

until now you never saw her

only sensed her with your bodymind

glimpsed her

smiling rose-lipped

at you painter's antics

looking lovely relaxed

but focused

clearly at work in her work clothes

standing holding keeping

while you're cavorting

she's the black behind the rainbow

you're wallowing in

she's the robust alpha point

behind your expansive expressionism

you feel blue

you see red

sometimes you're green or yellow

or even in the pink

but she's your steady

standing in the middle

propping up the rainbow

standing sentinel under its arch

absolutely absorbing

your crazy quasar-like

colour frenzy

into her onyx black

just holding the black wholeness

giving it space

not spectral but black ground

your background

holding the sacred snake

holding the alpha black

lifting the rainbow high

as an arch to the sky

lifting it like a string of pearls

like a bridge

like a baby

like a treasure

like a trophy

she's your foundation

you're her foundling

leaving her for now

slowly returning to your room

you know she'll always be there


like black

leaving her to do her work

standing like a pillar

quivering black vigour running

through space without a sound

you feel grounded

safe to create

Vera Kelgart  (with self-healed Lemuria crystal)  2018

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